Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rite a Riff

I was in the slum, didn't really know what decisions to make in the time period of my life. I was frustrated, confused, and whenever I get in this state of mind, I write. I express these feelings through words, let the rhythm flow, open my eyes to my thoughts. I don't really know what my mind is truly thinking until I write it down, and then I understand. It clicks. I like this fast write because it has good imagery and wording, and it just flows. Hope you enjoy:

Photo Credit
The world spins around me 
unanswered questions 
thoughts left lingering 
my body aches as if there is no tomorrow 
life is a mystery to me
what will come next? 
and what should I do? 
choices, choices lay unattended 
as if they are laying across a table just waiting to be picked 
all the consequences, but all the rewards 
film across my vision 
as I contemplate what to do, 
I relax, I let all the stress fall away
every list, every chore, every practice, one by one 
I sit in the moment, my mind wanders to a happy place....
the birds chirp around me, the sun rests on my face and I daze...
I envision the life I want, what I want to be in 10, 20, 30 years
what will I regret? what will I remember? 
what do I wish to accomplish? 
these thoughts, visions float, wander 
to dream is the first step of success, 
but to get there is entirely different
first though, 
we must all, 
come into that realization 
of our dream, 
our future, 
OUR life, 
not others. 

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