Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Ashes

The ashes cinder to the ground
Only a lifeless body,
No emotion, no love, only selfless ignorance awaits
As if something was missing from this swollen reality
A dream within a dream that only one could understand
The sinful flesh left glowing in anguish
The smell of desire and hate fill the air
As the moments turn to reality
A shaking appears as if the ground is tumbling below
But the world does not follow

Time freezes, and I stand alone among a crowded room
I can touch, but it rebounds
Is my imagination faltering, or is this how regret feels?
The mind reverses to this moment time after time again
But its as though I scream to my motioned body through a vacuum
An unending spiral, I reach out to touch,
But it dissolves away, unfolds
And I wake
Back to where I was
Back to anger and relentless mercy
Back to the merry-go-round of my own decisions
To the person who I betrayed
And I fall to the ground, hands wide
I round up the ashes and try to piece together the fallen sands of time,
But the tears fall and ashes turn to mud
The liquid washes away
Lost in time, to be forever gone

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