Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Remember the Life that Was

This is a poem I created to remember the joy and love for an inspirational teacher. She drove, and continues to drive my passion for creative writing. She helps me to remember what writing means, how to grab it from your soul, how to speak for yourself. Let your opinions flow and don't let anyone else stop you from what you want. Reach out and conquer your goals.

walking down the jumbled hallway
the first wing is where she waits
waiting for us, along the hall, beside the door 
the room in which she calls home
number 218 is where there stood, a heart of a warrior
a brave soldier daring to be different
the swirls and twirls of poetry whisper past my ear
a bag full of props
and music banging on the sidelines
a women who taught us to open up
open our ears, our hearts, our minds
to the world, to the lessons of the future
to not lay worried in the fears of tomorrow,
but to rise to today
to see everything as a chance to grow
a heart to heal
a person to inspire
she would remind us to not sit in our pity and cry
but learn to understand, to wake, to use that passion
that motive to drive forward
a woman who loved every soul she touched
the lessons floating in my brain of a person,
someone who will be a loss to all
her words, poems, lyrics embedded in my mind
the spirit of an artistic
the heart of a warrior
the soul of Ali McKenna
an inspirational flame always left burning
never to be blown out in the hearts of the people
you will never be forgotten